Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchHe Never Sleeps
In this morning’s message, Brother Danny uses Psalm 121 to remind us that God never sleeps, He never takes a sabbatical, He never goes on vacation. God is always in control and present in the lives of his creation.
Hungry and Thirsty
In this morning’s message, Brother Danny shares with us from the first 9 verses of Psalm 107. In this passage We see the character of God and are reminded that we are commanded to reflect that character to the world around us.
In the Shadow of the Almighty
This morning, Brother Danny shares from Psalm 91, reminding us that a close relationship with the Lord will be visible in the way we live our lives.
When Darkness Is Your Closest Friend
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from Psalm 88 helping us to understand that there are times when darkness seems to be all around us, but we need to remember that God’s promise to be with us never fails.
Blow Wind of God
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from Psalm 85 on the essentials for an encounter with God.
Face of Fear
In today’s sermon, Brother Danny told us about fear and how the only salvation from fear is to put our whole trust in God. This sermon stands as a reminder how much we need to trust God and renew our commitments to Him.
What You Want
Today we take a look at the book of Psalms in regards to our own lives. In the sermon today, Brother Danny reminded us that we need to act upon our faith and trust in the Lord.
In Remebrance
As we start the new year, Brother Danny took this chance to remind us of some of the important topics Pual covered in his letter to the Corinthians. As the church in Corinth was reminded, so must we be reminded that our human pride can lead to division in the Church and address it when it occurs.
How do We Respond to an Encounter with Christ
Today’s sermon was given to us by Brother Bill Collum, associate pastor here at Bay Vista. In this sermon he tells us the story of the woman at the well that Jesus meets on His way through Samaria. We need to endeavor to be more like Christ and reach out to those that society has shunned.
The Week of Love
Today we celebrate the final Sunday of Advent by lighting the candle of Love and the Christ candle. This sermon reminds us just how miraculous and great God’s Love for us truly is.