Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchA Cry for Compassion
The lone Psalm attributed to Moses presents some constrasts. God is eternal, yet His people are frail; and His people are sinful, yet He is holy. The good news, though, comes in the third contrast; if God’s people call out to Him for compassion, He is merciful to them.
Blessed Unity
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” is the opening line of Psalm 133. Unity is the ideal presented in Scripture; we should strive for and celebrate it, because it is a prerequisite for the blessings of God.
Where Would I Go?
Parts of Psalm 139 are very popular, but the entire psalm, taken as a whole, is a celebration of God’s presence, knowledge, power, and protection. The change of tone near the end also reminds us that we should have no part in a life of sin.
The Voice of the Lord
Today’s psalm is a psalm of pure praise; there is no petition for God’s help, and no calling for Him to come and destroy the evil people surrounding the city. We celebrate God’s power and greatness, and understand that His very presence is the best companion and comfort we could ever have.
A Meal to Remember
When Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples, just before He was betrayed, He changed that meal from one that remembered God’s provision in Egypt to one that would remember Him. Whenever we participate, we share with our family, we look forward in hope, and we let the remembrance inspire us to gratitude for His sacrifice.
God Created the Heavens and the Earth: So What?
Psalm 104 is a psalm of praise to God for the glory of His creation. The way creation responds to Him models what should be our response to Him as well - revealing, obeying , and rejoicing in the Creator.
The King of the World
God’s sovereignty is not a topic that gets a lot of attention; it’s not one of the more popular doctrines, because its implications are not always pleasant. However, a proper view of the sovereignty of God shows us that the King of the world is not a distant power; this God moves on and within this world, and wants a personal, intimate relationship with us, His creation.
Today’s psalm is a song about singing. It tells us the what (a new song), how (joyfully), why (remembering God’s work), and when (any time) we are to sing.
Put to Shame
In these two short verses, David expresses a desire that his sin not cause others who claim the name of God to be put to shame. He acknowledges his sin, being conscious of the consequences of his actions and the impact on others. We should follow his example!
May the Peoples Praise You
God’s grace is His gift to His people. This psalm encourages us to live in this grace and share this good news, so that all the peoples of the world may one day praise the Lord.