
Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist Church

When Nothing Seems to Help

On Paul’s final visit to Jerusalem, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. From bad advice on how to correct wrong perceptions, to a misunderstanding and a mob mentality, Paul could have been understandibly bitter with the results of this disastrous visit. However, he kept the right perspective, that God can use bad situations, caused by bad information, and acted upon by bad people, to spur us to deeper commitment.

Acts 21:17-36     Bro. Danny Nance     November 10th, 2019

An Amazing Service

Every time we participate in the Lord’s Supper, we should remember that this special time of remembrance is a symbol of the love of Jesus. We should also celebrate the truth of His return. Finally, we should treat this as something special because we come together with the church, not just of today, but with the church throughout time, when we observe this ordinance.

1 Corinthians 11:23-31     Bro. Danny Nance     November 3rd, 2019

Good Intentions

As Paul was making his way to Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit was telling him, and others, that he was headed for much trouble there. Many of these other people discouraged Paul from continuing; though their intentions were good, they were completely misunderstanding the message they were being given. We, too, must be sure that we do not misinterpret what God is telling us, and be careful to not end up playing the role of the tempter in their lives.

Acts 21:3-15     Bro. Danny Nance     October 27th, 2019

What Do We Leave Behind Us When It's Hard to Say Goodbye?

In today’s passage, Paul bids goodbye to the Ephesian church. While it was sad from an emotional perspective, looking at Paul’s message to them shows us what we should leave behind us when it is time to go - a testimony to others, faithfulness that helps others, and a sure foundation for their faith.

Acts 20:17-37     Bro. Danny Nance     October 20th, 2019

Speaking to Hearts Where They Are

When Paul encountered philosophers while traveling alone through Athens, he siezed the opportunity to address the people where they were, using that as an inroad to preach the gospel. We, too, have a great opportunity in our world, where 90% of Americans still believe in a “higher power” of some sort, to speak about the gospel. It still runs contrary to human understanding, but God can still change hearts when His truth is declared.

Acts 17:16-34     Bro. Danny Nance     October 13th, 2019

Meeting People Where They Are

As Paul continued through his travels in Macedonia, he finds himself in the city of Athens. Struck by their idolatry, Paul seeks to meet the residents of Athens where they are, in their context to share the truth of the gospel. This passage is a great example of how we, in 21st century America, should seek to share the gospel message with the people around us, wherever they happen to be.

Acts 17:16-34     Bro. Bill Collum     October 6th, 2019

What Must I Do to Be Saved

Paul and Silas find themselves thrown in prison after casing a spirit of divination out of a slave girl who had been following them. As they were locked in a cell, their feet in the stocks, singing and praising God, an earthquake of supernatural origin caused all of the doors and locks to be opened. When the jailer saw that the prison was open and all of his prisoners must have escaped, he despaired and planned to take his own life. When Paul called out to stop him, and assured him that all of the prisoners were still in their cells, the jailer asked the most important question of his life. What must I do to be saved.

Acts 16:16-33     Bro. Danny Nance     September 29th, 2019

Expect the Unexpected

Following the mission team split, Barnabas and John Mark continued on to visit the churches that were started on the first missionary journey. Paul and Silas traveled throughout Asia-minor with the plan to spread the gospel as they went. Instead, the Spirit of God prevented them from the work in Asia-minor, and instead directed them to Macedonia, where some of the strongest New Testament churches began, including the church at Philippi.

Acts 16:6-15     Bro. Danny Nance     September 22nd, 2019

A Serious Moment of Heartbreak

As Paul and Barnabas continue on their mission work, a point of conflict arises concerning the inclusion of John Mark in the mission work. This passage teaches us that even though we may share a vision with other believers about the work of the kingdom, conflict will arise within the body. When it does, we need to seek forgiveness and reconcilliation, and we need to stand amazed that God will use our folly to further the growth of his kingdom.

Acts 15:36-41     Bro. Danny Nance     September 15th, 2019

A Final Decision Made

Decisions have a great impact, setting a course for success or failure. Today’s passage takes us to one of the first doctrinal decisions the early church made as a body, and when we look at that decision, we know it was the right one. Its echoes remind us to not be ruled by tradition, to remember what God has done in the past, to be firmly anchored in the Word, and to protect the fellowship of our body.

Acts 15:1-35     Bro. Danny Nance     September 8th, 2019
Connecting People to God ~ Connecting People to One Another ~ Connecting People to Service