
Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist Church


As Brother Danny continues leading us through the book of Habakkuk, we look at verses 12 through 17 of chapter 2 this morning. Woes to the cruel. In this passage, God’s prophet pronounces calamity against the Babylonians for their cruelty to their enemies. There are three aspects of this cruelty that are called out by the prophet. The first aspect of cruelty comes from our selfish desires. The second comes from our mocking heart. The third from the human thirst for violence. However, lest we think that these woes do not apply to believers, Brother Danny also shares scripture written specifically to the church that talks about the same issues.

Habakkuk 2:12-17     Bro. Danny Nance     August 16th, 2020


This morning, as Brother Danny continues leading us through the the book of Habakkuk, our focus is on chapter 2, verses 5 through 11. In this passage, God’s prophet warns the Chaldeans (Babylon) against the danger of arrogant pride, or hubris. But, before we can say that the warning doesn’t apply to us, we should also note that there are many places in God’s word where this same warning is given to God’s people. An attitude of Hubris refelcts a mindset of arrogance, leads to the exploitation of others, and ultimately results in a shame filled judgement on the one who is so arrogantly prideful. May this sin be far from the people of God.

Habakkuk 2:4a-11     Bro. Danny Nance     August 9th, 2020

Wait for It

As Brother Danny continues leading us through the prophecy of Habakkuk, this week’s focus is on the suficiency of God’s revelation. God’s revelation speaks to His purpose in this world, in His timeline. Since His revelation is true, it is trustworthy, and will come to pass, though it requires us to have patience. As we let God work his purpose in our lives, we must also exercise faithfulness while we wait for His plan to come to fruition.

Habakkuk 2:2-5     Bro. Danny Nance     August 2nd, 2020

But It's Not Fair

As Brother Danny continues leading us through Habakkuk’s prophecy, he reminds us of three principles from Habakkuk’s writing that will get us through those situations when it’s just not fair. First, we need to hold onto the basic principles of our faith; remembering that God’s characvter never changes. Second, we must be willing to have a much-neded conversation with God; not just a safe prayer, and not just a list of ailments. Finally, We need to keep our hope in the God who responds to our cries for help. Even when things are not fair in this world, we serve the One who always brings about the best for those who love Him.

Habakkuk 1:12-2:1     Bro. Danny Nance     July 26th, 2020

Doing the Unexpected

As brother Danny continues walking us through the prophecy of Habakkuk, this morning we are reminded that God does things that sometimes don’t make sense tous, as His people. He may (and often does) use calamity, suffering, and hardship to trun His people from their own stiff-necked understanding and ways and turn them back to him.

Habakkuk 1:5-11     Bro. Danny Nance     July 19th, 2020


This morning, Brother Danny begins an exposition on the Prophecy given to Habakkuk, beginning with the first four verses of chapter 1. In these verses, we learn that there are times of apparent silence from God, and that sometimes we struggle with understanding how and why God allows evil to go unpunished, and his people to suffer. But we also learn that God is always working for the best for his people, no matter how much we have been disobedient and hard-hearted ourselves. God has not left us without hope.

** There was a probelem with the video this morning, somehow the camera came unplugged**

Habakkuk 1:1-4     Bro. Danny Nance     July 12th, 2020

A Parting Wish

** Note ** There is a break in audio at the 29 minute mark, as the Pastor’s microphone batteries died. ** Note ** This morning, Brother Danny wraps up his exposition of Paul’s letter to the Ephesian believers with a look at Paul’s closing statements. After all that Paul has taught in this letter, it is obviousl that he desires not only this church, but all of the churches to reach out and care for one another, to help bear each other’s burdens, and to show love to our fellow believers as we labor for the kingdom of God. May we all follow this admonition.

Ephesians 6:21-24     Bro. Danny Nance     July 5th, 2020

The Battle Is Engaged

This morning, as Brother Danny continues leading us through Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians, we look at this passage often referred to as “The Armor of God.” As Danny looks at each of the Elements of this armor, he reminds us that we are not expected to fight spiritual battles in our own strength. Rather, we are to trust in the all sufficient strength of our Father. Additionally, we are to use the armor that God has provided us in order to withstand the assault that will come as we walk in obedience to Christ. And finally, we are not to neglect the importance of praying for those who walk beside us in the battle as well. When all is said and don, the Christian is commanded to STAND!

Ephesians 6:10-20     Bro. Danny Nance     June 28th, 2020

Labor and Management

As Brother Danny concludes Paul’s discussion about Christian relationships, we cover an especially pertinent passage in chapter 6, verses 5-9. In this passage Christian bondservants (slaves, workers) are admionished to remember that their true master is Christ. Likewise, Christian masters (owners, employers) are also admonished to remember that the Lord is master of their lives as well, and Christians are calld to be different than the world in the way they treat others.

Ephesians 6:5-9     Bro. Danny Nance     June 21st, 2020

Must the Generation Gap Win

As we continue through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Paul continues his look at the Christian life and how it correlates to our relationships, today with the emphasis on the parent-child relationship. Even though the original readers of Paul’s letter would have been very familiar with the concept parental authority, Paul reminds these Christian children that is it right to obey their parents “in the Lord.” He also advises parents to not lay expectations and standards upon their children that would drive them to anger and wrath, and could potentially drive them away from serving Jesus.

Ephesians 6:1-4     Bro. Danny Nance     June 14th, 2020
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