Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchDo We Really Know God
As Brother Danny takes us through this portion of chapter 2, we are reminded of the statement Jesus made to his disciples: “if you love me, you will keep my commandments.” In this passage, John makes it quite clear that those who know and love God will be obedient (not perfectly, but on a growing curve) and will demon strate that obedience through our love for others.
As Brother Danny takes us through the passage this week, we see John’s desire that his dear children, the intended audience of his letter, not conitinue to live lives of sin. However, when the believer does sin, they should not despair, but remember that they have an advocate in Jesus, who is faithful to forgive those sins.
Light vs Darkness
Brother Danny shares 1 John 1, verses 5 through 10 this morning. In this passage John deals with the truth that Christians have to choose whether to live in darkness, or live in the light. The first principle in our text is that God is pure light, there is no darkness in Him, at all. The second principle is that mankind has a problem (sin) that must be overcome, and that can only come by the third principle. God’s forgiveness enables us ot walk in the light.
What We Have Seen
Brother Danny takes us into the book of 1st John this morning, with a look at John’s introduction in verses one through four. In these passages, John prepares his readers to defend against the coming gnostic heresy which eats away at the core of Christianity. In our time, this warning is just as important, as there is much confusion about Jesus Christ. As in John’s day, we have to remember that true fellowship within the body is impossible apart from the source of that fellowship, whcih is Jesus. That fellowship can become a fountain of real joy in our lives.
God's Gifts for Our Climb
As Brother Danny concludes our study off the Book of Habakkuk with chapter 3, verse 19, he shows us three principles from this one passage, two which are explicit in the text and one that is inferred by the text. The first principle is that God grants His children a source of strength for their journey. The second explicit principle of the text is that God grants His children stability for their path. And finally, As Habakkuk noted the musical conditions for this work to be sung in corporate worship, God grants His children a call to guide others as we travel along the path.
Joyful Faith
This morning, Brother Danny takes us through Habakkuk chapter 3, verses 16-18. In these passages, Habakkuk gives us three lessons regarding our faith. The first lesson is that waiting quietly on the Lord can result in a heart of hope. The second lesson is that when we are honest about our circumstances can cause us to rely on the Lord. Finally, when we remember who God is, we can have joy in the toughest of times.
Brother Danny takes us further through the third chapter of Habakkuk this morning, with a message of hope. In our passage for today, Habakkuk recals the mighty deliverance of God as he brought his people from their bondage in Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the promised land. With his eye on God’s faithfulness in the past, he turns his eye towards the future and God’s continued promise of deliverance for his people. Likewise, we can look back on the finished work of Christ and know that, as Paul says in Philippians, he who began a good work in you will see it through to completion!
A Change of Heart
As Brother Danny takes us into the third chapter of Habakkuk, we see a change of heart in the prophet, from the angry and indignant questioning of the first two chapters to the heartfelt plea for mercy that we find here in chapter three. In these first tow verses of the chapter, we learn that God is instrumental in this change of heart, by three actions: First, by making Himself known through his word. Second, by the work that He does in our lives. Third, God changes our hearts by humbling us and leading us to desire mercy for others.
This week, Brother Danny wraps up our look at the book of Habakkuk with what may be the most important and overlooked command in all of scripture. Over and over again, God’s people have to be reminded that God is in control, He is on his throne, and we need to be silent and trust him.
Hopeless Idols
This morning, Brother Danny shares with us two verses that are seen, not only in Habakkuk, but visible in every book of the Bible. Over and over, God’s people are warned away from idolatry, and over and over, we can see that warning is ignored, at our own peril. Even though we may not carve idols from wood or cast them from gold, the idols of work, relationships, money, and power can and do often lead us astray.