Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchA Few Good Friends
This closing sermon in Colossians reminds us that we should be thankful for the people God brings into our lives.
Prayer and the Way We Live
Prayer is essential in lives that effectively reach out to the lost.
Living to Honor Christ
Today’s message reminds us that we are Christians everywhere we go, and in every situation.
What We Owe Each Other
Today’s message focuses on our need to build each other up in the Body of Christ.
A New Set of Clothes
The message is focused on the call of what our lives should look like as disciples of Christ.
Letting Go of the Old
This message challenges Christians to engage in a radical transformation of their minds and behaviors, so that they can experience true spiritual renewal and growth in Christ.
A New Covenant Promised and Fulfilled
Jeremiah’s prophecy of a new covenant held incredible promises that will give clarity about the truth behind this ordinance we celebrate today.
A Few Good Men
Using the story of the calling of the Seven, this sermon is focused on the truth that disciples are still being call in the service of the Church.
Trust the Message
When fear threatens to keep us from being obedient and sharing out faith, the Chrisitian must always remember to trust the message, not the messenger
Geting Our Focus Right
This message shows us why we need to have our hearts and minds focused on the right things.