Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchMorning and Night
This morning, Brother Danny shared from Psalm 92, verses 1 through six, to demonstrate how our personal worship reflects what we really believe about our Lord. When we have personal worship, it shows that we delight in worshipping our God. Corporate worship is wonderful, but it should not be the only time we praise God. When our personal worship is ongoing, it demonstrates how vital it is to our lives. IF we make a regular practice of praising God in our personal lives, it will change the way we think about worship. And finally, a consistent and ongoing personal worship will reveal that we have been touched by the greatness of our God. Even though this is all predicated on haging a personal worship time and practice, it will be shown in the ives that we lead on a daily basis.
Whole Hearted Worship
This morning, Brother Danny shares Psalm 96 with us, to help us determine what Whole-Hearted Worship is supposed to look like. There were four key points to the message this morning: 1. Whole-hearted worship is God-honoring. We should always be careful to enthusiastically praise God, because He is worthy of all honor. 2. Whole-hearted worship is filled with joy. Even in the toughest of times, our worship should be filled with notes of joy. 3. Whole-hearted worship is bursting with hope. We need to gratefully embrace the hope that God offers when the world threatens us with despair. 4. Whole-hearted worship is a pathway to sharing. We need to share the works of the God that we worship with a world that has no Idea who God is.
True or False
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from John chapter 4, verses 19 through 24. In this familiar passage, Jesus shares with the Samaritan woman of Sychar concerning worship. The worship of the Samaritans was built upon ignorance, focused on a place, and it was a religion based on humanity. We need to avoid these traps of false worship, an instead, offer the kind of worship that Jesus says is acceptable and God honoring. When we worship in spirit and in truth, we are fully engaged in the only worship that truly honors God.
The Relevance of Worship
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from a wonderful passage in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 19, verses 1through 6, explaining the relvance of worship in the Christian life. As we study this passage, we can see four important principles about worship that God’s people need to hold very closely. First, Worship serves to remind us that God is Glorious and Powerful. Second, Worship reminds us that He is True and Just. Thisrd, Worship serves as a reminder to God’s children that Salvation belongs to Our Lord. And finally, Worship reminds us that our God reigns forever. Halleluja!
An Unshakable Kingdom
This morning, Brother Bill shares with us the conclusion of Hebrews chapter 12. In verses 18 through 28, the writer of Hebrews concludes his discussion of how the Christian should live, based on the fact that, because of Christ, we are now citizens of a kingdom that will not be shaken, that will not be destroyed, and that will last forever.
The Key to Joy
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us the key to joy found in Isaiah chapter 35. In this passage, there are four promises found for the Christian to hold onto and unlock the joy of the Christian life. These promises are first, that God’s glory will wone day be revealed. Second, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we have the promise of mutual encouragement. Third, we have the promise of hope for the possibilities of the future. Finally, we have the promise of God’s continuing grace as we live out our lives awaiting the return of our Lord and Savior.
Be Strengthened
In this morning’s service, Brother Bill shares with us the next segment of Hebrews chapter 12. In verses 12 through 17, the writer of Hebrews, in writing to the scattered Hebrew Christians, encouraged them to strengthen themselves and push onward with the work that Jesus has given for the church to do. There is no doubt that it will be hard, no question that it is arduous; but there is a guarantee that it is worthwhile.
Delight in Worship
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us the first 6 verses of Isaiah chapter 12. In these verses, it is important to see that, when awakening comes to the church, we will be able to delight in worship. Our worship will be marked by gratitude, for what God has done for his people; trust, that he will keepm his promises to his people; and enthustiastic joy as we set our pride aside and we allow ourselves to really worship. Most of all, Delightful worship is marked by a desire to share that worship with others, that they may come to know the Lord.
To the Work
This morning, Brother Danny Spoke to us about having the right priorities in our life. In order to prioritize God first in our lives, we have to be real about the situation that we find oursleves in. Then we need to acknowledge the consequences of continuing in that situation. We need to hear God’s call on our lives. And we need to be prepared for God to stir our hearts.
What If?
This morning, Brother Danny shares with us the “what if” when God renews our hearts. If we are honest and observe the condition of our un-renewed heart, we will find that it is divided, it is stubborn and refuses to bend, and it is yielded to disobedience. We need to ask God to renew our heart, make it sigularly focused on the will of God, to soften it and make it plable to God’s word, and to strengthen it, to make it resist the tempations to sin and go our own way.