Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchSanctified, Made Useful
This morning, Brother Danny continued with his series on “Why are we here” looking at 2 Timothy, Chapter 2, Verses 20 through 22. In this small passage, Paul reminds his readers that one of the ways we honor God is by living sanctified lives. While sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, our cooperation with the Spirit is what makes that sanctification effective. We also honor God by being useful in the kingdom. Our usefullness is directly related to our sanctification. Finally, we honor God when we are prepared to serve, when He wants us to serve. We need to recognize that all believers have been called to serve.
Hearts Given to Ministry
In this morning’s message, Brother Danny encouraged the church to consider if we can say that we have hearts that are given to ministry. There are three questions for the believer to ask of themselves on a regualr basis: Are we ready to minister when we see a need? Does our presence bring gladness? and Does our willing service help others to continue their service. Every believer should be able to answer these questions with a “yes” if we truly have hearts to minister to others.
Restore One Another
This morning, Brother Danny wrapped up his segment on fellowship within the church, with a message about our role as ministers of restoration. In order to be successful in that ministry, first we must not clothe ourselves in the in the ways of the world. Paul calls the Colosian believers to put off things like anger and envy and strife and to be clothed instead with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. When those are the characteristics that show in our lives, the way we treat one another will be different. This leads us to the ability to forgive one another, and to restore our relationships to where they ought to be.
Strengthen One Another
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us the importance of strengthening one another within the church body. Sometimes, we need help remembering who we are. We sometimes forget that following Christ should have a practical impact on our lives. Sometimes, we need help when we feel discouraged. When we are willing to walk through the valley together demonstrates our love for one another. And sometimes, we need help when we’ve been weakened by life’s battles. Every member of the church has a responsibility to help other members grow.
Profit and Loss
This morning, Brother Danny exhorted us to be bringers of profit to one another, taken from the text of 2 Timothy 1:15 through 18. In this passage, paul talks about the two different kinds of people we encounter in this world: those who bring loss to others and those who bring profit. People who bring loss are motivated by fear, un willing to risk opening up to others, and so they fail to be faithful. As Christians, our motivation should be the command of Christ to love one another at all cost, to risk everything for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to rely on God’s strength to be obedient.
We're in This Together
This morning, Brother Danny xshares with the church the importance of being together as one body. As Christians, we are no longer outsiders. Rather, we belong to God’s household. God’s household isn’t built on shaky ground. It has the firmest of foundations in the faithfulness of God Himself. Also, we are not a finished construction. The church is not a building, or a campus. It is the called out believers in Jesus Christ, throughout all of human history, regardless of nationality, gender, skin color, or anything else.
Morning and Night
On this morning, as the gulf coast awaited the landfall of Hurricane Ida, Brother Danny’s message from Psalm 92 reminds us that we should delight in worshiping our God, no matter our circumstance. Likewise our worship should not be intermittent. Rather is should be ongoing, and it should reflect that God is our first priority. Finally, when we are facing life’s storms, our worship will demonstrate that we have been touched by God’s greatness.
The Incredible Word of God
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us a beautiful passage from Psalm 119, verses 9 through 16. In this passage the Psalmist wrote about the Incredible Word of God. We are reminded the the Word of God brings power for the believer in times of temptation. As we read and study God’s Word, it changes our hearts, and enables us to stand in the face of the assaults of the world. God’s Word brings joy to the heart of the believer. As we spend time in the Word, we are reminded of God’s fathfulness in keeping His promises to His children. Finally, the Word brings wisdom into the life of the believer. As we encounter God in His Word, we are shown how to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
Discipleship Is Difficult
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us the important Message that Paul had for Timothy, recorded in 2 Timothy 2:1-6, that discipleship is difficult. First, discipleship is only possible by God’s grace. We cannot come to faith through our own efforts, nor can we grow in our relationship with the Lord through our own strength. It is only by God’s grace, and through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can be disciples. Second, discipleship results in hardship. Throughout his time with the 12, Jesus repeatedly let them know that being His follower was going to come with difficulty. Paul taught the same to Timothy and the church. Finally, because of that hardship, discipleship requires endurance. By God’s grace, and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can endure the hardships and difficulties that are before us in the walk of discipleship.
A Desire to Follow God
This morning, Brother Danny continues the “Why Are We Here” series, following-up from worship to discipleship. As he shared from Isaiah 26, verses 7 through 9, Danny pointed out three truths about the desire to follow God. First, the desire to follow God can only be built upon trust in God. No natural man will ever desire to follow God in his life. That desire will only be found in the Christian. The desire to follow God is shaped by a hunger to really know him. As the Christian walks with Christ more and more, we realize how little we know him. Finally, in response to that faith that we have placed in God, and to the desire to know him more, we develop the desire to follow Him by dilligently seeking Him in all of our activities, not just when we come to church on Sunday.