Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchStand
As we continue to be led through the book of Galatians, Brother Danny spoke of how we all face times of struggle and how when we do we must stand. He spoke of Peter’s time in Antioch when God called him to eat the food that was deemed unclean by Jewish standards.
United We Stand
In today’s message, Brother Danny shared the importance of unity in the body of Christ, using the text from Galatains 2:6-10. In this passage, we can see the truth that when the church is united IN CHRIST, there are no superstars in the kingdom. All members are important to the mission of the kingdom. As we each work to fulfil our role and our calling in the kingdom, we will find an increase in compassion for others.
Defending the Good News
As Bro. Danny continues to lead us through the book of Galatians, he reminded us of the common roadblocks that we may face as we share the Good News. As Bro. Danny spoke he told us of how Paul faced these roadblocks and how we need to be prepared to defend the faith in the face of adversity.
This morning, Brother Danny continues to guide us through the book of Galatians, chapter 1, verses 18-24. In this passage, we see three truths concerning the faithful in Christ. First, the faithful know the wisdom of being connected to other believers. The Christian life is a life of community with others. Secondly, the faithful understand the importance of continuing service. The Christian life does not have a retirement plan. And finally, the faithful are confirmed by their actions and beliefs as they work together.
The Road to Truth
In todays sermon Bro. Danny spoke sbout how the truth of God should affect our lives. Throughout the message he spoke about how we can find God’s truth throughout His revelation and that the truth of God has the power to change lives.
Jesus' Call
This morning, Bill shares with us the importance of following Jesus’ call in our lives. Using the examples of Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel, as well as examples from his own life, he shows that, while Jesus may call us into paths that we never would have expected for our lives, it is important to remember that he will always walk with us when we respond to his call.
John's Testimony
This week Bro. Bill spoke of the testimony of John the Baptizer. In todays passage the pharisees and sadducees spoke to John asking who he was to have the authority to call the nation to baptism. Shortly thereafter as he was baptizing the people John saw Jesus approaching him and called out declaring that Jesus was the son of God.
This morning, Brother Bill began a series with the church through the Gospel of John, starting with the prologue in verses 1 through 18. In these verses John the Apostle lays out the introduction to his Gospel, and sets forth for his reader the truth of who Jesus is. This Jesus, the Word of God, offers mankind the opportunity to become the children of God, if they believe in him.
How Does It Go Wrong So Fast?
This week, as Brother Danny continues to share from the Book of Galatians, we look at chapter 1, verses 6 through 10. In this passage, Paul cuts right to the heart of the matter with the churches in Galatia; and the lesson is one we ought to pay attention to as well. Some people will try to throw the church into confusion. False teachers are not just a warning from the past, they can be found throughout the church today as well. With that idea we must not lose sight of God’s Word, if we are to avoid being easy prey. Finally, we must never forget that a desire to chase the spectacular or new teaching will lead to spiritual disaster.
A Different Kind of Greeting
This monring, Brothr Danny begins a new series for us, going through the book of Galatians. In the first five verses of this book, Paul paints a picture that there is something dreadfully wrong with the churches in Galatia that needs to be addressed. First, Paul answers what was most likely a challenge to his authority as an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Second, Paul spells out the heart of the gospel to his readers. Finally, Pauls introduction to this letter is a clear call to give glory to God alone.