Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchChanging the Old Into the New
Today Brother Bill joined us once once again to lead us through the book of John. Today’s message was taken from chapter 2 verses 1 through 12. This passage tells the story of how Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. One important thing to note is that Jesus respectfully told Mary how He was now following God’s will and not her’s. We all need to remember, that when it comes to authority, God should be our number 1.
From Slaves to God's Sons
This morning, Brother Danny shared with the congregation from the first 11 verses of Galatians chapter 4. In this passage, the Apostle Paul used the example of roman children to demonstrate to the Galatians that going back to the slavery to the Law, and their inability to keep it was akin to a grown adult seeking to put themselves back under the authority of their parent’s guardian’s authority, in effect, throwing away their freedom. For the Christian to try to “earn” their righteousness, by adherence to the law would be placing themselves back in the condition of being lost. Praise God that His righteousness is sufficient for our salvation!
We Are One in Christ!
This morning, Brother Danny used Galatians 3:26-29 to remind the church that we are one in Christ. For those who have accepted Jesus in faith, who are saved by God’s grace, are His childre. God does not play favorites, not does he show partiality. We, the people of God, need to stop acting like our external distinctions make us better than someone else, when in God’s family, there is no degree of separation between his children.
What Good is the Law?
As we continue to journey through the book of Galations Bro. Danny reminded us of the purpose of the Law. This message is one of great importance that we need to remember always. We all need to be thankful that God has opened our eyes to the truth of our sin through the Law.
God's Promise Does Not Change
As we continue our study of the book of Galations Bro. Danny reminded us that no matter what happens God’s promises never change. God has made a binding covenant that willl never fail, so as we go throughout our lives we need to remember that God will never break his promises and that He is worthy of placing our faith in.
Fully and Finally Free
As we continue on our journey through the book of Galations Bro. Danny told us of the alternatives that we can choose from. He reminded us of how relying on personal performence to build a relationship with God would end horribly and that the best way of building a relationship is by trusting in the accomplishment of Christ.
From Shadows to Light
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from all four gospels, as well as other passages, as we all followed the tragedy of Good Friday and the crucifixion of Jesus to the joyous discover of the empty tomb on resurrection morning. For those who have Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we also have a tale of moving from the shadows of death into the light of our salvation!
Father Abraham Knew Best
This morning, Brother Danny shares with us from the book of Galatians, chapter 3. In verses 6 through 9, the Apostle Paul lets his readers know, in the face of the Judaizers, that we can look back to the example of Abraham to demonstrate that God’s plan of salvation for Jew and Gentile is grace through faith, and that it has remained unchanged throughout history.
Are We Ready to Come to the Table?
As we celebrated the Lord’s supper today, Brother Danny remined us of Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. Paul spoke of how the church at Corinth was becoming divided and was treating the Lord’s supper no longer as the time of rememberence that it should but rather they were treating it as a time to feast while others starved.
All of Grace
As we continue to read through the book of Galatians Brother Danny spoke of salvation by grace through faith. Pual in this book spoke of how no one could be justified by keeping the law and that he had been “crucified with Christ.” As we go thruoghout our lives we need to remember that we are new creatures in Christ.