Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchGlory in the Cross
In today’s passage Bro. Danny spoke of how we must remind ourselves of the importance of the cross, that it is not just a symbol, it is the place where our sins were forgiven. In this passge Paul spoke to the Galatians about how we need to focus on the fact that God forgave our sins at the cross because of His grace and not because of anything we did.
Today Bro. Bill told us of how Jesus cleansed the temple and prophesied His death and resurrection. In this passage we are reminded of how we should treat the house of God. We need to remember that worshiping God needs to be first and foremost in all that we do.
The Law of the Harvest
Today, as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians, Bro. Danny brought us a wonderful message of how we must be good examples of the way that we, as humans, should live our lives. This passage tells us how we will reap what we sow. One thing that we need to remember about this passage is that it reminds us that we must sow the good news into the world so that one day we may see a bountiful harvest.
You're Not Heavy, You're My Family
This morning, as Brother Danny leads us through Galations 6:1-6, he shows us Paul’s command to bear one another’s burdens. In this the Apostle Paul is commanding and commending his readers to a life of service and empathy towards our fellow believers. This is how we testify to the world that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Spirit or Flesh?
Today as we continue through the book Galatians Bro. Danny spoke of the how the nature of the the flesh is destructive. We must constantly be vigilant so as to not fall in the desires of the flesh, such as sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery. Our best protection against these things is the Fruit of the Spirit found in verses 22-23.
Today Bro. Danny reminded us of the last supper and how important and meaningful it is. This message reminds us of how we sould rejoice that God loved us so much that He let His only son die for our mistakes. We need to remember going forward that communion is not just a time of fellowship, but a time of remembrance and praise for what He did.
Responsible Freedom
This morning, Brother Danny shared with us from the book of Galatians chapter 5, verses 13 through 16. In this passage, the Apostle Paul command his readers to follow a different way of servitude. He reminded them that they would either be slaves to their own nature, slaves to the law (as the Judaizers were teaching them), or they could live the life that Jesus calls all of his followers to: Serving others in love through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Free Indeed!
This morning, Brother Danny continued leading us through the book of Galatians, chapter 5, verses 1 mthrough 6. In this passage, the Apostle Paul teaches his readers that because of our salvation through Christ, we are free from bondage to the law, bondage to sin, and bondage to guilt. We should celebrate that we are no longer slaves to the curse of sin. We should also heed the dire warning against legalism or licentiousness in our lives. We can live free through our faith in Jesus Christ.
A Tale of Two Mothers
Today we had another great sermon by Bro. Danny about how we should treat our promise of freedom in Christ, by discussing the tale of two mothers. In this tale Pual changed his teaching style to draw attention to his teaching. We should celebrate th promise of our freedom in the depths of our being.
Let No Walls Divide Us!
Today Bro. Danny continues through the book of Galations reminding us that we need to not let ourselves build walls around us. We must talk to others and not let the fear of self sacrifice separate us from others. As we continue through our walks of life, we should be compassionate toward others even to the point of giving ourselves up.