Sermons from Bay Vista Baptist ChurchWhat a Friend We Have in Jesus
Today we looked at the song ‘What a Friend We have in Jesus’. Bro. Danny told us of Joseph Scriven and how he came to write this song. This song is very important to us as christians beacuse it reminds us that we can trust in God.
Stand Up for Jesus
Today we looked at the song ‘Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus’. Bro. Danny told us of Dudly Tyng and how he inspired the writing of this song. Throughout our daily lives we must always remember to stand up for Jesus and to wear the full armor of God.
How Not to Observe
For today’s sermon Bro. Danny took us to the book of Luke to observe the Lord’s Supper. This sermon is a reminder to us that we need to ask God to show us the deepest crevices of our hearts and help us to turn them to Him.
Abide With Me
Today we continue to go through looking at ‘Great Hymns of Our Faith’. This morning Bro. Danny told us the story of how the song ‘Abide With Me’ was written by Henry F. Lyte. This song is a reminder to us that we need to be constantly asking God to be with us as we go throughout our lives in this sinful world in which we live.
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Today we continued looking at ‘Great Hymns of Our Faith’. This morning Bro. Danny shared with us the importance of ‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name’. Unfortunatly due to some technical difficulties we had there is not a YouTube video for this sermon and the podcast misses the first few moments of Bro. Danny speaking.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Today we continue looking at ‘Great Hymns of Our Faith’. This morning Bro Danny told about the song ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ and how it came to be written. This song is so very importent to our faith because it reminds us that God is the most holy of all things.
Come, Thou Fount
Today we continued the series on “Great Hymns of our Faith”.The sermon today was on ‘Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing’, telling us that we need to continually remember all that God has done for us.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Today Brother Danny began a new series “great hymns of our faith”. In the sermon today he spoke of how God is worthy of our praise and adoration. This sermon tells us how God has done so much much for us that we need to praise Him in all aspects of our worship.
Marks of Christ
Today Brother Danny finished off his series in Galatians. In this message he tells of how Pual closed out his letter to the Galatians in a loving manner and how we should be marked by Christ so that all can see Him.
What Good Is God's Word?
This morning our AWANA missionary, T.J. Sipes, presented Warren with his final AWANA award and then shared with us 12 points on how importent God’s word is to us.